Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Luckiest.

I'm now convinced that you have to date X number of boys before a good one comes along to really appreciate and know what you have. Think about it: If a good one came around off the bat, how would you know it? Experience, I must say, is essential. This past year (not including the past three months on this one) I have been cheated on, lied to, disrespected, heart broken, humiliated, and the list could honestly go on. But I wouldn't change a thing. 

With each guy I dated, it took me progressively less time to recognize he wasn't right for me. I feel with every distressful failure comes a beneficial lesson and then you move on. Identifying the necessities of your love life and not settling is probably the most significant piece of advice I have acquired so far in dating. 

‎"I don't get many things right the first time
In fact, I am told that a lot
Now I know all the wrong turns, the stumbles and falls brought me here."

It's come to the point now where I'm the happiest I have been. I'm out of my comfort zone and taking risks, which is unheard of with me since I like to keep things safe. These past three months I have karaoked, prepared food that didn't make someone sick, rode a freaking scary roller coaster (not once but twice in a thirty day period), made new friends with amazing people aka the most social I have ever been in my life/learned that Canadians are awesome, gone to Boston with two of my best friends, rediscovered my love for Dallas, revisited the world of concerts, learned how to maneuver chopsticks, attended a couple of Mavericks play off games, put on a bathing suit/size small for the first time in years, realized that some things in life are worth the effort despite the uncertainty, and I don't think the good times are going to stop here. All in all keeping it positive pays off although the world likes to throw a whole lot of shit our way… just stay strong (& gold) and it will pan out in the end.

This will probably be my last entry on my dating life for a while. I'll think of something else less exciting to write about in the meantime. 

1 comment:

  1. "With each guy I dated, it took me progressively less time to recognize he wasn't right for me."

    That's good. I tend to use my instinct a lot, always trust your gut.

    You shouldn't say you won't write about dating again, if it's what you want to write about then do it. You would be surprised how many people can relate to what you are going through. Gathering your thoughts is a great way to vent and get a grip on certain situations.
