Friday, April 22, 2011

Buzzin' Limitations.

At this point, I'm in the discovery phase of getting to know the pivotal do's and don'ts. DO put yourself out there enough to be fun but still a little mysterious. DON'T over do the fun and vomit in your friend's car when someone you're slightly interested is there. Total jackass mistake. 

I'll attempt to recall a tale that made it into my set of crucial dating rules. I picked up my dry cleaning yesterday and was pleased to see my favorite pair of skinny jeans were safe and stink free. Silver Cleaning saved my jeans. I am forever grateful for this. I had put on these jeans a week ago and it was my second time to sport them. That night it was the first occurrence in about three months I had gone out drinking. I was a beast. I could drink about 8 drinks and refuse making out from any unwanted visitors. For some reason I thought I could be the same girl. Jackass mistake. 

I had about 5 drinks back to back without stopping. I was feeling pretty good and vibing with the guys. I've been told I'm a pretty fun drunk but I found myself to be very sloppy when I'm at the point of no return. Well on this occasion I got to the sloppy phase when we decided to go clubbing. When I get really drunk I tend to knock drinks out of my friend's hands. It's been a reoccurring problem since this was the second time it has happened. Sorry Thuan for the first time. We left immediately after that in fears we would get kicked out. 

Next stop was the Fox & Hound where we met some pretty cool people that bought us deadly shots. My jackass mistake was that I didn't refuse the first shot. That drink sent me beyond the sloppy limit and I had to be escorted to the bathroom each moment I went. The last time I went to the bathroom was the vomit point. It reeked of garlic. DON'T eat garlic before going out for drinks. It doesn't smell good when it's out in the open. Ever. For some odd reason, I was taken to Whataburger and passed out. On the way back to the car, the second and third round of chunks appeared then the fourth round was done in the car. Garlic everywhere. It made itself in the air vents, in between the door and window, my seat, and all over my clothes. The guys stopped to clean me up and then eventually tucked me into bed. 

I washed my pants that night and again in the morning then repeated the action once more but the stench would not leave my pants. I was heartbroken. I brought the wet pair of jeans to the cleaners in hopes of fixing them. I wore them last night on a impromptu date and they feel brand new with the stiffness and the smell of clean. Time for something new and it would be a shame to repeat the same mistakes and ruin these poor jeans again. 

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