Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Sweet memories, but that was yesterday.

As I wait for the sheets to dry and traffic to die down, I decided that it's time to pour out my thoughts once again/in need of a distraction from the fact my boyfriend won't be here for the next four days.

Earlier this week a friend asked me, "When you find someone you feel you are 95% compatible with: do you think you should go for it or hold out for the 100%?"
It got me thinking. The obvious choice: hold out for the 100%, but most of us settle for the 95% in hopes that it will pan out and eventually that person will become that 100% for you. Let's be honest friend, the 95% will never be that 100% so don't waste your time. There will be a ton of 95% that you will or will not know that they aren't the full percent but only time will tell and when you start having questions like the one above, let them go. Don't get caught up in that honeymoon period and think that things will return to that stage because let's face the facts they don't. Also discourage thoughts that you're trapped and that this is it... this is the person I'm going to marry. You have the choice to end a relationship if you don't feel the compatibility/happiness/attraction/etc. It's your life and you are the only one that has the ability to change it.

I must say that scariest thing is being alone, but the worst feeling is knowing you aren't with the person you truly love. It's worth being on your own for that period of time. I do not regret taking this plunge and diving into the unfamiliar. There were many times I wanted to give up and settle back into the comfort zone. Now that I look back after this question was posed to me, I honestly would not trade the events that led up to meeting Ryan. All those awful experiences happen for a reason so don't be discouraged. I wish for all of you to find that someone that makes you want to be a better person; always in your thoughts; that you just have the urge to hug every time you see them; makes you smile when you are angry at whatever situation; wants what's best for you; and most of all is a game changer. I must say the best feeling is telling someone you love them and mean it.

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