Thursday, April 21, 2011

One, Two, Three, Done.

Next summer I really want to travel to England. I'm already thinking about the details in my head since I haven't been overseas in such a long time. In the excitement of planning, I realized that I will be doing this alone. I will be sorting out where to go, flights, living arrangements, time frame, etc by myself. I'm in control of everything and not considering someone else's demands. To describe this feeling in one word: AWESOME. Yes all caps.

After learning this new discovery, I'm now thinking to myself… why would I screw this up? I have been living under someone else rules for so long that I never made my own. I fought so hard for this independence and lately I have been searching for this "perfect" guy to ruin it all. WHAT AM I THINKING? I'm still working on being the individual I desire to be and not be influenced by a "significant other" that requires me to be a certain way. I have been caught up in searching that I haven't taken a breather to realize that I do deserve better. 

I'm starting college in August and want to travel as much as possible. I hope to write and report about basketball as my career. I have had this dream since I was a little girl. Ask anyone I went to elementary school with. Example: I did a science report on kidney transplants because Sean Elliott of the San Antonio Spurs went through one. All these things are important to me and I feel as if I will compromise these ambitions if I were to get seriously involved with another. I need to focus on me. I'm not saying I'm not open to dating, but nothing serious. I still need a subject to write about ;)


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